My Jess has a new friend, Emma. We had so much fun this weekend. She came and stayed the night on Friday, they stayed up till 1 a.m. Saturday morning, I went for a run with Beth while Jason and the girls were asleep and when I came home, the 3 of them were ready to roll. We went and rode the horses that afternoon and decided we wanted her to stay the night again. We went to church, Nonna's and had to take her home. She was a joy. I love seeing my girls play and be happy. I can't express how much my girls mean to me. I can't imagine them actually leaving home one day. Jason hates for them to be gone when he is home now so I know he feels the same. Jason and I both love to go on "dates" but we also come home early most of the time. Try sitting with your husband and NOT talking about your kids, impossible. Tried it, ended up laughing about how funny they were. Here are a few things that make my girls special to me.
Jessie-she looks just like her daddy(good thing I adore him) I will never forget when I first saw her and her eyes opened and even the nurse said "she is her daddy made over" I was not even out of recovery from the C-section, she loves to read(she actually got that from me), she is helpful when she needs to be and she is very passionate about the things she believes in, she wants to do her best. I see this with her school work. She loves to be outside and ride horses. She is her daddy's closest thing to a boy (besides Alex) and I am happy for that. She killed a ten point last season. Boy, he was proud!!
Lanee-she has always been her own person and knew what she wanted since the day she was born, she has my love for children(I often think she should have had a younger sibling, she loves to see little ones), she is a Momma's girl. She likes to help me with anything she can and she likes to ride with me to work out of town when it is something she can attend so she can keep me company. Jessie likes to stay with her daddy to go hunt, ride, anything but being cooped up in a car. Lanee will talk to me the whole way. She loves to flip everywhere. Her nickname is "Monkey" she had so much hair when she was little, it was too cute! When she was able to move around, she climbed, flipped, got in to everything. She is resilient, she has overcome so many setbacks with her hearing, mouth reconstruction and most people cannot even tell. She looks like me, so I hear,lol! It was nice to get some credit from one of them.
I can't talk about my girls without saying what a wonderful father they have. He spends lots of time with us and he loves them and has no problem letting them know this. He is always thinking of fun things for us to do. He makes sure they have cute clothes since I do not like to shop,(how many dads know their kids clothes and shoe sizes, he knows mine too) he bought them horses and all the things that go with them just because they love to ride. They will never know how much he does for them.