Sunday, September 21, 2008

Science Fun

I love my job! Most of you know I am the Membership Marketing Specialist for Girl Scouts for the lower 6 counties of Arkansas. I recruit and train leaders and girls. I also do programs around these areas. I have fun coming up with these ideas for fun learning experiences. With each program, they earn patches or badges. Last year, I did Birds of a Feather and Discovering Bugs so I tried out something a little different this past weekend is Lake Village, I did "Science Fun". We did 10 different science experiments, 3 different science crafts and they got to make their own snack. It was too fun and I have awesome leaders there who allowed my girls and I to stay with them since I went up the night before and did a leader meeting and training. We had a fun little slumber party with our girls. Girl Scouts is a great organization to work for and I know God has placed me in this job for a reason.

Baking Babes

We decided to chill out last Sunday afternoon and make cupcakes and let the girls decorate them. Jason made a huge, homecooked meal and the girls and I made dessert. They helped from start to finish, I think the best part was the "finishing". We used different types of candies like gummies, sour straws, red hots and pretzels. It was fun and messy. They are getting so big, they barely needed any help. Jason even taught Jessie how to crack an egg for the batter. It was fun for us all to work in the kitchen together. Jason also picked us up some movies so when we finished our meal, we watched some movies. Wonderful days!!

Play Day with the Clayton Kids

Michael and JoAnn Clayton came and spent the day with us last weekend and we had a blast. First things first, Michael and Jessie went out in the backyard and Jessie was showing him the inside of the trailer and Michael slipped down in horse poop! YUCK!! I put his clothes in the washer and he had to wear some of my PJ boxers and Jason's t-shirt but this did not slow them down a bit. Lanee and JoAnn are the girly girls so they stuck together while Michael and Jess played outside until it was "Concert Time". They got out the guitar and made a stage on the porch, they even made some signs. I thought it was too cute! I gave the camera to Lanee so she could be the photographer. Fun, fun, fun!!

Nonna's Birthday Party

Nonna's Birthday was on the 6th of September. We had a party at the Buck's house. We had a host of family and friends. Both of my sisters, my parents, Josh and my family were there along with the Pellow's and Aunt Janey and Uncle Wayne Buck. Uncle Wayne cooked hamburgers and she had 3 cakes so we were set. Happy Birthday Nonna!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lanee's Broken Finger

Well, out little gymnastics queen decided to brave the front hand spring and broke her pinky finger. It was all sorts of colors so I took her to the doctor and they put it in a splint. She has always been a daredevil, she was doing cartwheels at 2. Her daddy taught her how in the backyard. She has been flipping ever since.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Creepy Creatures

We are fasinated by animals and creatures around here. We found a softshell turtle that is now our pet and we found a really cool zigzag spider that makes a zigzag pattern in its web. How cool is that? Jessie also loves tadpoles! We found a huge one.

Giddy Up Cowgirl

We had a Barrel Run this past Saturday night. Jessie and Lanee both competed in 4 events: Barrels, Quads, Flags, and Poles. We were so proud of how they both did. I know it has to be nerve racking to run into the arena and control a horse while everyone is hooping and hollering. They had several patterns to remember. It was Lanee's first time to do quads and flags but she did great. Jessie had a great time on quads and barrels. They have a friend Nikita that they ride with. They had so much fun. Jason had to leave at nine and go to work and they were not finished so I had to load up and dirve the trailer home myself from the arena. That was a first for me! I was so proud of myself.