Sunday, September 21, 2008

Baking Babes

We decided to chill out last Sunday afternoon and make cupcakes and let the girls decorate them. Jason made a huge, homecooked meal and the girls and I made dessert. They helped from start to finish, I think the best part was the "finishing". We used different types of candies like gummies, sour straws, red hots and pretzels. It was fun and messy. They are getting so big, they barely needed any help. Jason even taught Jessie how to crack an egg for the batter. It was fun for us all to work in the kitchen together. Jason also picked us up some movies so when we finished our meal, we watched some movies. Wonderful days!!


RADstitches said...

Hi there! When I first looked at the cupcakes I thought they were truffels!!!! They look really good! I hate how fast our kids are growing up!

Beth said...

LOVE the cupcakes!!!! so cute!!